All prices mentioned are merely relative. Pay attention some rides are higher value than others. White is Main, Red and Yellow are standard queues, Purples are tunneled queues, Orange is exit dumps. Rides with tunneled queues should conveniently be placed on the opposite side of the parallel exit dump.
The exits should be lumped into a path running parallel to the main walk, then further funneled into one perpendicular path that returns the NPCs to the main walk. You can tunnel under for the queues for more room, but they MUST start from the main path!Įxit paths will be shared and lumped together, using One-Way signs to ensure NPC cooperation.
Start by making one, large main walkway down the center of your park.Īll queue paths will stem immediately from this path. Plan your park to be as efficient as possible. Whether you’re raising funds to delete your park for a masterpiece, or don’t care about NPCs and just want that money, here’s some excellent tips for creating a park designed to make lots of cash.